The Big Difference Between Budget Awards and Cheap Awards, and Why it Should Matter To You

A variety of trophies and awards are displayed on a table.

Consider these two schools of thought – 

“We may have budget constraints, but we are determined to obtain the best value for our money and buy the best awards possible in this budget.”


“Let’s buy the cheaper awards available in the market and minimise recognition expenses.”

The first one prioritises the appreciation of those being honoured, while the second emphasises cost-cutting above all else.

The startling statistics from a simple Google search tell a story of their own. Approximately 110 individuals are searching for “cheap trophies” every month, while a mere 10 people are seeking out “budget trophies.” (data as on Nov 2023). This striking contrast may seem just a play of words but it is the intent behind the purchase that matters and it makes a world of a difference to the person receiving these awards. 

The Language of Recognition 

A lot of times I have heard people asking for cheap awards and trophies but actually what they mean to say is that they want budget awards and trophies. In one sense, it’s probably okay because at first glance, it may seem just semantics. But take a closer look and you’ll understand that the language you use for your recognition really matters if you’d like to be known as a company with a robust recognition culture.

No team member, whether from the HR, procurement, or the organising team should ever be heard using the word cheap for awards and trophies. To the person receiving the award, it seems like there is no heartfelt sentiment behind the awards being presented to them. What’s going through their mind is – 

  • “Really! I worked so hard to get a cheap trophy?” 
  • “What’s the point? Why are they spending this much even?”
  • “Why do they give trophies that I can’t even display on my desk” 
  • “My company doesn’t value my work. They don’t care.”
  • “My efforts are unworthy of a decent token of recognition even.”

“They’re giving the award only because they have to, it’s just a checkbox exercise.”

It’s crucial to understand that the underlying meanings extend beyond mere words. The choice between “cheap” and “budget” trophies serves as a lens through which the intent and ethos of the awarding team is seen. And it is this perception that shapes the entire recognition process. It can render the entire exercise as hollow and meaningless.

So what is a cheap trophy all about?

A cheap trophy isn’t just about the money spent in its procurement. It extends beyond financial considerations. A trophy is “cheap” if it is 

Tacky: The trophy appears tacky and unfinished, lacking the refinement that any kind of recognition deserves.

Illegible text: The text on the award is smudged, and the small text cannot be read properly.

Incorrect Engravings: the text is marred by misspellings and inaccuracies. This one is a complete disaster.

Poor Craftsmanship: The use of poor quality materials and shoddy workmanship, including visible glue marks, faded colours, cracks and chips on the award, you get the drift.

To know why cheap trophies end up costing you more, read our blog post 5 Myths about Selecting, Buying & Distributing Cheap Awards and Trophies

Budget Trophies: The Right Approach

In contrast, the concept of “budget trophies” carries a far more practical approach. Budgeting is a practice ingrained in every facet of life, and rightfully so. There is always a budget in place for every business activity and recognizing achievements is no exception. The critical point here is that allocating a budget, whether modest or generous, is essential. 

The bigger the award celebration or town hall the more detailed the budget plan should be.  Budgets always tend to shrink no matter how big they may be at the start of the event. So while the memory of the delicious food and splendid décor of the lavish award ceremonies fades swiftly, the tangible trophy remains a perpetual reminder of achievement and celebration. It serves as a lasting memory of the accomplishment. A cheap trophy can tarnish this sentiment and be pushed into a dusty corner, rather than being proudly displayed on a desk.

It’s not just words

The choice between cheap trophies and budget trophies goes beyond mere words. It’s about what people hear and how it makes them feel about their own Recognition. 

The quality of the trophy resonates with the intent behind the recognition. It’s an investment in recognition. Budgeting is definitely important, but one should aim to procure the best options of trophies within that budget, whether the budget is Rs 500 or Rs 15,000. 

So, the next time you seek to recognize someone’s achievements, remember, a well-chosen, even low budgeted trophy speaks volumes and a good quality trophy will go a long way in increasing employee morale and engagement.

Connect with Team Pinnacle to get unique, creative design options and excellent quality awards that will suit your budget, whatever it may be. 

To know more about how to make sure your money spent on awards is not a waste of resources, read the following blog

You can also check out some of our Budget Awards here

Nidhi Jain Seth Founder of Pinnacle

Nidhi Jain Seth

Always a student…. Its life and its exciting, challenging and sometimes its really hard but its always

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