When the Humble Pressure Cooker Became the All Star….

Products of Pinnacle Works displayed at an Exhibition booth beautifully

Our Awesome Booth at TechHR 2017 by People Matters was an amazing experience and why not when you meet hundreds of people and they all like your work and say things like… ‘we love your designs’,  ‘its great to see that you are doing something different’, ‘wow this one is really nice’……and that you in succession it give you great adrenaline rush…

Especially since I am a part of the design team and an integral part of various designs it feels really good.

This time around there was a hidden gem… our tiny and humble pressure cookers……

Wondering what pressure cookers were doing at a TECH HR Event and more so what pressure cookers are doing at our booth which is all about Recognition? Wait let me reveal the story.

But first things first…it may be not very obvious in the image here but the tiny colorful things you see hanging on the left are the pressure cookers.

Interestingly when I am writing this a thought crossed my mind that how at the exhibition booth the pressure cookers were attracting everyone to our booth and here in the image I have to point it out for it’s not that obvious and can be an easy miss.

Our story was sweet and humble ‘we take the pressure off you’ and that’s when I had this crazy idea of almost an art installation of miniature cookers to represent tell our story.

Can you believe there are about 90 of them up there?

Though once up for these colorful cookers triggered the creative side in the HR community like the one I have not seen in 17 years… all sorts of ideas were flowing in how they should be used.

I think the award would go to a consulting team who wanted to use the number of pressure cookers on the desk as a barometer of the pressure they were under on that day… Wow… 🙂 🙂

We had too much laughter and fun at the booth…

The biggest compliment I got was from our neighboring booth who thanked me to be next to them for they did capitalize on our visitors…

Nidhi Jain Seth Founder of Pinnacle

Nidhi Jain Seth

Always a student…. Its life and its exciting, challenging and sometimes its really hard but its always

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