Lapel Pins: 5 Different Finishes to Choose from?

Want to order custom lapel pins?

Confused which finish is right for you?

Worry no more.

I have explained 5 of the most popular finishes below.

1. Dye Struck Enamel Color Lapel Pins :

Each piece of lapel pin is cast in metal from a mould. Once its casted, all pins are individually polished, plated in gold or silver color and finally sent for color filling. Vibrant enamel colors are filled as per your artwork in the lapel pin one color at a time. Finally, your perfect lapel pins are ready for you.

When your lapel pins are dye struck your artwork appears as high relief. That is if you run your finger over the pin you can feel all the lines of the artwork in metal quite distinctly.

Like this Process Excellence Lapel Pin, you see below.process excellence lapel pin

2. Photo Etched Enamel Color Lapel Pin :

Lapel pins made from this process look almost similar to the Dye struck enamel color pins the only difference being the metal pin is not made from a dye. Your artwork is etched on metal.

The artwork line is much finer. If you were to run your finger over these pins you will hardly be able to feel the etch lines. This style is often less expensive than Dye struck and yet you get all the colors you want in your lapel pin.

But there are many other factors such as artwork and quantities which play a role in deciding the price. The football lapel pin is made from a photo-etched process.

football lapel pin

3. Dye Struck Copper lapel pin without colouring :

Rustic & Bold. This is an uncommon finish for lapel pins but looks very nice and distinct. This lapel pin is plated with copper. These lapel pins may not have any colours filled in them though you can get that done too. The whole point is to show the artwork in itself.

4. Printing on Metal with Lamination :

Make no mistake this is no ordinary printing. Your artwork is printed through a special process directly on metal and then laminated for that perfect gloss finish.

Many times an artwork cannot be cast in metal from a dye or be photo etched as there are too many detailed in the picture or its a 4 color picture with various shades in it that’s when printing on metal comes in really handy.

Equally important is the lamination or the dome which is put on top of the print. It needs to be flawless with NO hazy effect and or bubbles.

Often this is the last choice as it is less appealing than the above-mentioned lapel pins. But quite honestly if made well this pin looks as stunning.

5. 3D Lapel Pins;

3D lapel pins look really beautiful. They are often made for product launches or mark special occasions and celebrate anniversaries. Our aircraft pins are a popular 3D lapel pin. This involves a lot of work but the end result pays for all the hard work which goes into making the pin.

Following is a lapel pin for the MIG 29 Plane which we made for the Indian Airforce.

lapel pin for the MIG 29 Plane

Choose the one which fits your artwork the best. Still, have doubts and questions visit our official website Pinnacle Works or write to us at and we would be happy to help you.

Nidhi Jain Seth Founder of Pinnacle

Nidhi Jain Seth

Always a student…. Its life and its exciting, challenging and sometimes its really hard but its always

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